Pronouncing the 'TH' Sound: A Guide for ESL Students

Pronouncing the 'TH' Sound: A Guide for ESL Students

Trying to learn a new language can be a daunting task, especially when trying to master different sounds.

The English language has several unique sounds that can be difficult for non-native speakers to pronounce, but with practice and some tips, it's easier than you think! One sound in particular, the /TH/ sound, is often one of the most challenging for ESL students. Let’s take a look at how to say this tricky sound correctly!

The 'TH' Sound in English

/TH/ is often written with the phonetic symbols (/θ/) and (/ð/).  /θ/ represents the thinner, breathier sound you hear at the beginning of the word "think".  /ð/ represents the more resonant sound with vocal vibration that you hear at the beginning of the word "than".

Why should anyone who wants to improve their spoken English learn to pronounce /TH/?

Well, this sound can help you be easily understood when you speak because…

  • It’s the most common consonant in spoken English
  • It does not exist in most other languages
  • It is in several of the most common words in English, including “the”, “that”, “this”, and “they” (Think about how often you say those words in a typical day!)
  • Substituting another sound (which is what most non-native speakers do) can turn a word into a completely different word!  This is really confusing for your listener and makes you difficult to understand.

The /TH/ sound can appear at the beginning of words (think), in the middle of words (bother), and at the end of words (mouth).

Pronunciation Tips
When it comes to pronouncing this tricky sound correctly, there is an easy method you can try.  Place your tongue between your teeth and push air through them to pronounce /θ/ as in "think". Now do the same thing, but turn on your voice and feel vibration in your throat to pronounce /ð/ as in "than". When you practice these methods together and compare their differences, you should start to pick up on which sound is used in each context.

Practice Makes Perfect
As with any language learning endeavor, practicing regularly makes all the difference! To get started with pronunciation drills for the “th” sound, try saying words like three /θriː/, think /θɪŋk/, brother /ˈbrʌðər/, mouth /maʊθ/, weather /ˈweðər/, smooth /smuːð/, and teeth /tiːθ/. You might find my online tutorials or videos on this page helpful if you're still having trouble. With enough practice, pronouncing this tricky sound will become second nature!

Mastering a new language can be a challenge even for experienced learners—especially when it comes to pronunciation—but by following these tips and practicing regularly, pronouncing the English language's /TH/ sound should become much easier! With enough practice and patience, you'll soon be able to confidently say all those troublesome words that contain this tricky sound! Good luck!