How Vowel Length Affects Your Speech

How Vowel Length Affects Your Speech | The Accent Channel

Exploring the Impact of Vowel Length in Accents and Dialects

One important (and often overlooked) aspect of learning English is understanding how subtle differences in vowel length change the way words are spoken. In this lesson, we will explore the impact that vowel length has on the way we speak.

Understanding how to correctly pronounce vowels can help ESL learners sound more natural when speaking English as well as improve their comprehension skills.

Vowel Length and Pronunciation

Vowels are one of the most important components of speech. They make up the foundation of syllables, which are then combined to create words.  As a general rule, American speakers use very long, loud, and wavy (change in pitch) vowels.

But did you know that all native English Speakers actually adjust vowel length based on the sound that comes AFTER the vowel?  

It's true.  It's weird, but it's true.  Here's the rule...

The Rule:

Vowels Become:

  • Shorter before a Voiceless Consonant Sound (that's just a consonant where you won't feel vibration in your throat)
  • Longer Before a Voiced Consonant Sound (a sound where you WILL feel vibration in your throat)

And this very subtle variation in vowel length creates a rhythm and timing that is unique to English.  When the rhythm and timing of our speech is not what the listener expects, they have trouble understanding what we have said, and may actually hear a different word than we meant to use.

So this is an important concept and worth practicing to improve the clarity of your speech


Understanding how vowel length affects your speech is key to mastering any language! Being aware and conscious about your pronunciation will help you avoid making mistakes while sounding more natural to native speakers. Fortunately, this concept isn't too difficult to grasp; with some practice and guidance from a teacher or tutor, anyone can learn how to properly pronounce vowel sounds.